But not of the kind I had previously thought. I think perhaps, you could call it an aromantic relationship, although I know I have a highly romanticised vision of it. I need a brotherhood, a comradery, trust. A true relationship. The kind you see in movies, or read about in strange fantasy novels. It's like a state of knowing. Perfect love, and perfect trust. Where each knows all about the other, understands, and is there anyway.
It's a deep thing, and yet at the same time, so simple. A relationship without fear. I have always looked for a home in the hearts of those I have been in love with, yet how can that be when they are so inconstant? It has been said, that we put so much effort into our romantic relationships - because we expect them to end. So much so, that we neglect our friendships - our brotherhoods - because we expect them to always be there.
This type of kinship is such an active thing, but passive at the same time. The flame is always burning, except you trust it, and don't feel the need to tremble in its wake, to rush to its every whim for fear that it will burn out.
A trust that if you need it, if you call it, it will come to you without complaint or second guesses. The kind of thing that you would die with, happily.
It banishes insecurity and instability, just by existing.
This is what I want to build.
And interestingly enough, this is the formula for my perfect romantic relationship as well - except that would have the addition of kissing.
As well as this, I long for a homeland. For a town or a place, no matter how small, that I feel love and loyalty to. A place I can resonate with and belong to. And I believe these two relationships go hand in hand. I want to work the land, I want to build a home, a family, I want to build a life. Our pioneers did just that. And they didn't have much, not even certainty of the future, but they did have eachother. A love that outshone any hardship. A love above all else.
Will you build that with me?
If you so choose, yes.