With the weather growing warm, I feel the urge to see some green in my life. I've never had much luck growing plants inside, it seems I'm no mother nature. Still, I'm amazing with how things grow. Last summer, a small pumpkin seed sprouted in my garden. The seed was left there, with the old Halloween pumpkins, the previous fall. Throughout the summer that plant grew to fill my yard with a huge pumpkin plant, which grew many pumpkins, most of them extremely large. All from a little, discarded seed.
It's at this point where I think we can all take a lesson from Mother Nature. I often find that in this world people are too quick to give up on life. To give up hope, and just stop trying. They ask, what is the point? As if the world owes you. To this I always answer, life is the point. Living. You don't see a little seed asking, "why should I grow?". They just do. And no matter where they are. How many times have you seen a plant growing between the cracks of the pavement? Or on the side of a cliff, even? Every day I amazed by the nature around me, of how perfect it all is. Things will grow, no matter what. Nature doesn't give up. Ever.
And aren't we all products of nature?
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