Sunday, December 27, 2009
7 months

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I don't want to learn about someone else or form a new relationship of any kind.
I find it all so hard. And it all goes the same way. I don't want to give any part of myself to someone else because I know what its like when that backfires, when it goes wrong, when its given back.
I don't find anyone worthy. They all seem pointless, troublesome, tiresome to me...and yet when I do get to see inside them, see that they are more than their front, I despise them even more because they hide who they really are. And I might be doing the same thing, I don't know. I'm oblivious to how other people see me because I'm oblivious to other people.
I had a connection once, I had many connections, but I haven't kept them, one way or another. It scares me so much to try again. Maybe I'm doing all of this to hide from pain, from feeling anything. Because if I let myself get close again then I will be hurt again. There's no avoiding that.
And I always swore to myself I wouldn't become this person. I swore no matter how hard it got or how many times I got hurt I would keep going and keep believing. But I can't. I used to have so much hate inside of me, and I feel it coming back now. It doesn't help that I can't comprehend my emotions or even remember them from day to day. I don't know what's going on in my mind but it changes all the time. One moment I want to connect and the next I just want to be left alone.
I want what I'm looking for, but I don't know entirely what that is. I want it, but I don't want it. I want to push it as far away as possible. I wonder if I should try, if I can develop the love that's born from hate - or the hate that's born from love - the delicate mix of the two that feeds and destroys me. I don't want you, but only because you don't want me. I want you but you will cause me pain. And I can't have that again.
A good love affair begins with a comradery. You can't possibly expect to love someone who you wouldn't trust at your side in battle. And perhaps its my military past coming back to influence me, but that I truly believe. But can I trust someone enough again to let them have my life? I don't know.
I've become that person.
And I'm sorry.
Monday, October 19, 2009
I Am A Tree In A Forest

I write many things, I think, because they are the kind of thing that I would like to read, if I stumbled on it. A notebook left behind on a bus, or a school desk, can sometimes be a wonderful find. It makes you feel as if you know someone, even though you have no clue who they are. And maybe I want someone to feel that way about me.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
One In A Million Girl

Once again, sleep eludes me.
And I tell myself I won't do this, or rather, not to do this, because it isn't going to help with sleeping. But my mind always wanders, and sooner or later, it wanders to the past. I remember things that, I seem to have forgotten about until now. Amazing things. In my mind, at least. Things that, I never thought I would experience, yet somehow I did. And somehow I forgot. But maybe forgetting was for the better.
Because those things are over now. All those feelings are done, they will never happen again, she will never, forever, feel them. But they were feelings I wanted to last. That I needed to last. All those things she thought I would leave her for were all those things I thought she would leave me for. They were all the things that made me want to stay even more. Because above all else, they told me that she knew. She knew me. Or, she would. All I wanted was just someone who would understand. I found that, and I lost that.
This is the beginning of a very long and lonely life for me. I still have my family, my comrades, but what good do they do to the inner workings of my heart? If I can't even tell them? It's hard to get used to the thought that it will never happen again. That I will never be understood again. I'm not sure if anyone understands how hard it is to find a person like that in this world, and somehow I managed. But there are no more. It pains me, and it angers me, and it absolutely destroys me inside.
You know that feeling, when you are alone, and all you need is someone to hold you, but there is no one there? I'm going to have to get used to that. I imagine I will feel that way for the rest of my life.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Never Take Friendship Personal

I used to be a loner. Well, as those who know me (which is pretty much none of you), are aware, I still kind of am. But I used to be alone...all the time. I could go whole days without talking. Sure, people were around me - I was in class, or my mother was yelling in my face, or I was fighting with my siblings - but I was alone. And I'm aware how this sounds like every emo song ever written. But though I had friends...most of the time..and they were what I'd consider "close friends"...I could never talk to them about anything that was happening to me. Yeah, they knew about my mom, but I mean the things that were happening in my head.
I always longed for someone I could tell. Someone who wouldn't think I was crazy, or lying, or weird. That's what sparked a series of anonymous blogs, on various different websites. Hoping someone would stumble along and care, maybe talk to me about it. This is an example of one of those. But I've given up on that happening, by now.
Then there came the time when I finally found this person. She felt and saw the same things. Not my world, of course - someone from there is still just a wish - but she understood. And I could finally talk about it. Finally, I wasn't alone. I began to open up - though not fully, of course - into having truly close friendships. To put it bluntly, I had everything I'd ever hoped for. But just as I had realized this, just as I was basking in the warm glow of completion, acceptance - and love, of course. It ended. Having never experienced such a relationship before, Goddess only knows how I could handle such rejection. Having everything I wanted and then, having it all taken away. Something like that is not supposed to happen. I was supposed to be set for life.
And the friendships I had thought I could rely on fell apart too. I realized I meant nothing to them either, if I could not be what they expected of me. Because of this, if I wanted to keep them, I had to keep quiet. I couldn't say how my heart was breaking of my world falling apart - after having someone I could speak freely with, finally....I had to keep quiet once more.
So here I am, trying to adjust to the role that I lived for the first 17 years of my life. And its so much harder than I ever remembered.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
You Would Always Be Here, I Heard You Say
What have I been searching for? What have I been looking for, this whole time?
For the longest time, I thought it was love, and in some ways I still believe that to be true, but I've realized, above all else I am looking for a home.
First it started as trying to find a way home. Because where I lived, wasn't. I would look everywhere, see hidden meanings in every thing. The light is shining on that tree just right - could it be a way? What if I walk up and touch it, will it bring me home? Is it on the other side of this sewer tunnel? The answer was always, inevitably, no. I still hope sometimes, though. If I explore a little bit more, maybe I will find the way...
Then it became trying to find a home here, in this world. Trying to find a beautiful, safe place. To rest my head. To get some sleep. And I had been trying to find that home in the arms of girls. Beautiful girls, though as the scars on my heart speak, their safety was questionable. Love is, in a way, like going home. I know the feeling off by heart, being weary and longing for that one person. Like everything will be ok with their arms around you. I longed for that and dreamt of that and built elaborate fantasies in my head. Until one day I thought I had found it. Or, I had found it. For that precious time, I had found a home. In her warm arms and her deep brown eyes, I was safe. For that precious time.
For now I don't know what the home I'm searching for will be like. Is it love? Or does one entail the other? I am looking for a home, a place of my own, somewhere I can return to when the battle is done. When all my searching is through.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Paradox of Growing Up

I've never felt like an adult.
True, I'm sure I have plenty of time, seeing as I'm only nineteen, but I've been told I "am" and adult now. Is that what it is, a number? I'm not sure. I'm so used to be subordinate to anyone older than me. Its been that way for well...nineteen years. In college, or the workforce, I'm suddenly put on the same level (and possibly even a higher level?) as adults. I mean experienced adults. Or really, just everyone other than me. I don't feel like a college kid, I still feel like a highschool kid. Or just a kid in general. I feel meek and powerless. Just they way I've been taught to feel all throughout grades K-13.
So how does one "grow up"? Become an adult? Is it really a matter of age, or is it maturity? Now, I've always felt more mature than my contemporaries, more grown up in that sense of the word. But I still don't think that makes me an adult. I wonder, is it something that just comes to you, naturally? We all know how good I am with things that are supposed to come naturally. Will I just know one day that I am an adult? I'll suddenly wake up feeling like one?
This entry has a lot more questions than answers, much like myself...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sleep's Not Comin' Easy For A While...

I withhold sleep from myself.
Or that is how it happens. I wonder if it is just because it's the closest I can come to harming myself without breaching my contract. If it's something I can control as some sort of pseudo-revenge scheme. Or perhaps its just that when I get into these moods, the need for sleep eludes me.
I remember back then, when they talked to me, when they were always talking to me, before they stopped. I would never sleep, or so it seemed. I wonder how I stayed alive. I would only be thinking - About what they said, about it's implications, how on Earth I could get back to them.
Every night it was the same thing.
"Take me home."
Until eventually it just became,
"Take me away from here."
Now, I know this will never happen. At least not while I'm alive. But when I do think about them, I still won't sleep. Who doesn't appreciate a call from home, after all?
It's not just because she left. Or it is. Either one, I'm not sure. But I don't want to sleep, because I want to do stuff. But I don't want to do stuff, because she is not mine. As if I am lost if everything I do cannot somehow be related to her. I want to experience things, but I think that knowing I can still experience things without her love, would hurt deeply. Perhaps its the mere fact that I have to, that's the problem.
Thinking of sleeping hurts, thinking of staying awake hurts.
If only there was a way to escape the pain.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
It's Always You, In My Big Dreams

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Oh Sweetheart, Put The Bottle Down

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Life After Humans

I saw a special about a post-apocalyptic world, where humans had suddenly gone extinct. Nature began growing and overtook everything that humans had made, and destroyed most of it in abou 150 years. By that point, all of the polution we had put into the air has been depleted to nothing, through nature's ingenuity.
A lot of people are afraid of the apocalypse. I can admit that I was looking forward to it - its sounds like such an adventure, trying to stay alive for as long as possible in a world like that. After seeing this though, I've got different reasons. I think I could be at peace with an apocalypse, even with all the stuff I have not accomplished yet. If I could somehow contribute to the world reverting back to how it should be, before us humans messed it up? If I had to die for that to happen, I think I would be ok with it. There is more to this planet than just me, and humans are NOT the most or only important lifeforce on this planet.
Perhaps if our planet was without humans, long enough for it to go back to its beautiful splendor, in hundreds of thousands of years, humans would evolve again. Maybe they would be different. Maybe we would get a second chance. To say "I love you, and I'm sorry" to the Earth.
And if they weren't different, we could have some peace in knowing, the same thing will happen to them.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tell me when that breeze is blowing...

Recently I told someone that the thing I love about nature is....that is just is. Nature is so simple, and everything happens as it should happen and has been happening for billions of years. True, nature is complicated, terrifically complicated, and that's what makes it beautiful. But that is also what makes it simple. You know with nature. You don't have to guess, or explain, like you do with humans. You don't have to read into nature, what it does, where a tree decides to grow. It just happens because it does, because it is beautiful and right.
I think it is also that I know nature will not try to hurt me. Yes, I know that it can. But it is not malicious. If nature destroys something, there is no hidden meaning, it is just an occurance. There is no need to question these events, or ask "why did this happen to me?". The answer is simple...nature will keep going on, no matter how much we want to stay still. No matter how much people or society want everything to be the same...nature will keep going on regardless. There is no point fighting it. This is why we should live in harmony with nature...for both of our sakes.
In that way I suppose nature is the kind of person I want to be. Just growing, and living, regardless. Nature makes no excuses and while it evolves to survive...it doesn't change for other people. If you don't like nature, you're gonna have to get over it because, there is nothing you can do about it. I also long for how nature is a part of everything. Nature connects everyone and everything - after all, we live on this planet! I feel like a part of nothing whenever I try to interact with people. With nature there is no difficulty...I already know I am a part of that. But people are completely alien to me.
What am I to do?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
A Cease to the Growing.

Monday, April 20, 2009
See, The Sea Wants to Take Me
I walked, again.
Goddess, I was sick. And the rain was pouring. I didn't go there to kill myself, I promise. I needed the water, I just wanted to feel the water. I got the plan in my head, out of the blue. It was a long way to walk for just a plan, but for once I wanted to not give up on an idea that I had. So I walked.
It was raining, and I was already cold by the time I got there. The stream was full, but that was to be expected, from the rain. I didn't know what I was walking towards, I felt numb even in the face of that beauty. As I walked along the bank, the water got deeper and deeper, darker and darker. It's spring, I should have anticipated it. I climbed up the hill, one slip away from falling into the deep pool beside me, then onto the train tracks. It looked different from what I remembered. Water frothed from the three pipes, so much more violent than on the other side. It spread out, white and foamy, as if its own living mass. I waited a moment to take it in, the magnitude of my plan. As I walked down to the water's edge, I knew I would die if I decided to go into that pool. I told you, I wasn't going there to die. I walked downstream to find a calmer spot.
I hung my coat up on a tree, and crossed the river. The water rose up to my knees and froze my bones. It's spring.
The current was stronger than it had looked. But isn't that what they always tell you? Not to underestimate the power of water? I knew something horrible could happen, but I went on. Looking for a deeper place. I crossed to the other side, watching the water break over the rocks before me. On the sandy bank, I saw something. a small string of beads, barely above the dirt. I walked to it and grabbed hold, gently pulling it from the sand. A rosary came up in my hand. Was that a sign? I cleaned it in the freezing water, and hung it around my neck. I carried on.
Trying to cross the river again, I could no longer feel the cold. I held onto the slippery branches of a tree, to stop myself from being carried downstream. If I found what I was looking for on this particular day, I would surely die. But the water was not as deep as what I sought. She was telling me, I didn't have to do this. True, I came here with a plan, but I didn't have to go through with this. The rosary, She gave me a sign. It wasn't meant to be like this, and there is no shame in turning back.
Cold and numb, I walked home.
"The water will never rise high enough to carry you away"
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Lead me home to my town

But not of the kind I had previously thought. I think perhaps, you could call it an aromantic relationship, although I know I have a highly romanticised vision of it. I need a brotherhood, a comradery, trust. A true relationship. The kind you see in movies, or read about in strange fantasy novels. It's like a state of knowing. Perfect love, and perfect trust. Where each knows all about the other, understands, and is there anyway.
It's a deep thing, and yet at the same time, so simple. A relationship without fear. I have always looked for a home in the hearts of those I have been in love with, yet how can that be when they are so inconstant? It has been said, that we put so much effort into our romantic relationships - because we expect them to end. So much so, that we neglect our friendships - our brotherhoods - because we expect them to always be there.
This type of kinship is such an active thing, but passive at the same time. The flame is always burning, except you trust it, and don't feel the need to tremble in its wake, to rush to its every whim for fear that it will burn out.
A trust that if you need it, if you call it, it will come to you without complaint or second guesses. The kind of thing that you would die with, happily.
It banishes insecurity and instability, just by existing.
This is what I want to build.
And interestingly enough, this is the formula for my perfect romantic relationship as well - except that would have the addition of kissing.
As well as this, I long for a homeland. For a town or a place, no matter how small, that I feel love and loyalty to. A place I can resonate with and belong to. And I believe these two relationships go hand in hand. I want to work the land, I want to build a home, a family, I want to build a life. Our pioneers did just that. And they didn't have much, not even certainty of the future, but they did have eachother. A love that outshone any hardship. A love above all else.
Will you build that with me?
Monday, March 16, 2009
And you keep waiting for someone to save you...

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Take It Back
But I later realized. I found honour and grew into it. I can't tell you how, or why, but it happened. At a time when I had no loyalties, I became a very honourable person. The value of a promise became clear to me.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
But You Tell Me, Over and Over...
I did a lot of thinking during that time, about what would have been right or not. I asked myself if I really did want to kill myself, if she left. And it all just seemed like such a waste. Here I am, a living, growing human being...and I could throw that all away in a moment. I don't want to think about it, because it reminds me of how much I would be tempted, if that happened. What would I be to anyone, if not this? It would make sense to die, but at the same time, it would make no sense at all.
So I decided on not dying, if one day she should decide she has no more use for me. But I would run. Even though I have an amazing family who I know would help me through it, I would run. I don't know what brings me to that conclusion, but it seems...if I just walk, and never stop, I can burn it off, or something to that effect.
I would have nothing to do but think of it. But the emotions would be let out by the steady motion of my feet, and I would not have the chance to fall. If I stayed among those who care for me, who would protect me, there is nothing to stop me from breaking down and never coming back again. Yes, there is nothing wrong with breaking down, especially when it is warrented. But it is equally a waste to stay that way. To work off the despair physically, until the hysteria is over. Everything I had and everything I lost would come second to the pull of muscles and the crisp feel of night air. I would keep going until I was able to stop.
But this will not happen. If it does, I have a plan, but...it won't. Beneath 18 years' worth of trust issues, betrayals, and worries, I need to have some faith left in me. I need to believe that she will love and protect me the way she promised, that this does not mean nothing to her. I've grown up believing no one would ever feel the way I did, and no matter how many people I've met share my feelings, that belief seems to have stuck.
It's hard to believe that I'm not the only one.
That I'm not as isolated as I thought.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I'm Still Here
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A History Of Violence

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
In The Night

Monday, January 26, 2009
It's not surprising